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If you are here, you are probably connected to the business events industry in some way. You are also, most likely, curious about the ideas, projects and people that push the industry towards new horizons. And maybe you are wondering how you could develop new connections and get involved in new initiatives to make the industry more sustainable, inclusive and resilient?

You have come to the right place. The BEFuture virtual marketplace is an online platform offering several tools for discovering inspiring or replicable ideas, exchanging with experts, finding partners, and facilitating business opportunities.

The marketplace has two main sections:

Directory of innovative projects  

A virtual exhibition of innovative projects and other best practice 

  • Browse the directory by country or innovation category 
  • Find short descriptions and contact details for each 
  • Discover the innovation framework fostering progress across the industry 
  • Get inspired

Directory of
business events professionals

A network of stakeholders

  • Browse the map of influential stakeholders in the European Business Events sector 
  • Discover the associations, academics, universities, clusters, hubs, and experts driving innovation and shaping the industry's future landscape 
  • Explore their work and get in touch 
  • Get involved!

Would you like to be featured in the marketplace? We’d love to hear from you.

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